

Here’s a holiday riddle: Name a gift that is an item of clothing whose size will always fit, and is good for all occasions? Give up? It’s the scarf! I LOVE scarves, and don’t recall ever receiving a scarf I didn’t love. They are so versatile and the variety endless.

Pause for a moment to really consider how this simple garment serves so many purposes: they can be used for outdoorsy activities on chilly days, for dress up special events with sparkle on them, for work to bring color to a monotone outfit, and on a summers day bring a tad of warmth when in the presence of over-active air-conditioners.

Now consider the audience who like scarves? Men and women, young and old (and we’re talking kids and teens all the way through to grannies and grandpas), friends and relatives – it is hard to find an audience that won’t love a scarf.

So I say if in doubt of what gift to buy, the scarf is the perfect gift. And to make it an even more perfect gift this year, select scarves for gifts from stores listed on Oceans Mingle – because not only will you be bringing delight to the recipient of the scarf, you will also be changing lives too – which truly is the #bestgiftever.

Take a look at the selection of fabulous scarves we’ve found and posted to pinterest from stores on Oceans Mingle, but remember it is but a small selection of all the scarves available from stores for social good.